Lannan Literary Awards



Lannan Foundation is a family foundation dedicated to cultural freedom, diversity and creativity through projects which support exceptional contemporary artists and writers, as well as inspired Native activists in rural indigenous communities.


In 1960 J. Patrick Lannan, Sr., entrepreneur and financier, established Lannan Foundation. A self-educated scholar and liberal thinker, he believed strongly in the social importance of charitable programs and in the cultural importance of innovative and controversial forms of visual and literary art. During his lifetime, Mr. Lannan assembled an extensive collection of contemporary and modern American and European art. Included in his collection were important early works by emerging artists who went on to develop international reputations.

Mr. Lannan died in 1983 at the age of 78. In 1986 Lannan Foundation received a substantial endowment from his estate. Under the leadership of Patrick Lannan, the foundation continued its expansion of the collection and instituted national programs for grant making in contemporary visual and literary arts.


The Lannan Literary Awards and Fellowships were established in 1989 to honor both established and emerging writers whose work is of exceptional quality.  Over the last 20 years, Lannan Foundation, through its Awards and Fellowships program, has awarded 173 writers and poets more than $13 million. The awards recognize writers who have made significant contributions to English-language literature.  The fellowships recognize writers of distinctive literary merit who demonstrate potential for continued outstanding work. (copied from Lannan website -


Link to Goodreads Lannan Non-Fiction list



Non-Fiction Awards 1989+ in Alphabetical order


* own


(example of their non-ficiton work)


David Abram - Becoming Animal* 

Paula Gum Allen - The Sacred Hoop:

Thomas Berry - The Dream of the Earth

Wendell Berry

Charles Bowden - Blues for Cannibals: The Notes from Underground

David G Campbell - A Land of Ghosts

Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media

Mike Davis - Planet of Slums

Wade Davis

Jared Diamond - Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed

David James Duncan - My Story as told by the Water: 

Barbara Ehrenreich - Bright Sided: 

Tim Flannery - A Gap in Nature: Discovering the World's Extincy Animals

Thomas Frank - The Conquest of Cool: 

Chris Hedges -

Christopher Hitchens - Mortality

Edward Hoagland - 

Adam Hochschild - To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion 1914-1918 

Freeman House - 

Lewis Hyde - Trickster makes this world: Mischief, Myth and Art 

Elizabeth Kolbert - Field Notes From a Catastrophe; Man, Nature & Climate Change

Jonathan Kozol - Amazing Grace:

Barry Lopez - Arctic Dreams*

Charles C. Mann - Noah's Choice: The Future of Endangered Species

Ruben Martinez - 

Bill McKibben - The End of Nature

Gary Paul Nabhan - Why Some Like it Hot: Food, Genes & Cultural Diversity

Richard K Nelson - The Island Within

David Quammen - The Song of the Dodo*

Chet Raymo - The Path: A One Mile Walk Through The Universe

Carl Safina - The View From Lazy Point: A Natural Year in an Unnatural World

Scott Russell Sanders - A Private History of Awe

Jeremy Scahill - 

Jonathan Schell - Fate of the Earth

Rebecca Solnit - A Field Guide to Getting Lost

Luis Alberto Urrea - By the Lake of Sleeping Children

Lawrence Weschler - Mr Wilson's Cabinet of Wonder: 

Terry Tempest Williams - Finding Beauty in a Broken World

Howard Zinn - The Zinn Reader: Writings on Disobedience and Democracy